Friday, June 27, 2008

Did I just hear that right?

The scene: 7:28 am. Grand Ave. Station. Two Blue Line trains going in opposite directions. I’m on the Northbound train (of course).

Heard on the outside loudspeakers, so all the world can enjoy it:

My driver (female) “Oooh, you so luckyyyy!”

The other train driver (male): “That’s not luck, baby. That’s skill.”

I have no idea what they were talking about, and I think I’m glad.

1 comment:

Addie said...

Yikes! They usually don't talk to each other...I hope she was congratulating him on getting off work early or something. I would hate to think that this week's second train-car collision was just narrowly avoided, but your location at Grand Station kinda makes it sound that way 'cause it's always Grand or Washington. You'd think they'd put up one of those train crossing arms or something, but it's Metro, so no.