Saturday, September 06, 2008

The Conventions, Part 1: The Ratings.

This post may be optimistically titled. This may end up being the only post on the conventions - and more specifically the horror that is McCain-Palin - that I can stomach.

The Neilsen ratings are in. Big numbers for McCain & Palin's speeches, and interesting points in the article. I wonder about the political identity of the people watching. From the racial makeup of each audience, it seems simple. But I think that there is an argument to be made that more Dems watched the Repubs than Repubs watched the Dems. But I think a couple of other things likely boosted the Repub numbers. (Somewhat wild speculation begins here.)

One, people just don't know Palin and there going to want to watch. And some - like me - are also frightened of what she represents: creationism, fundamentalist activism, anti-feminism, etc., that we need to see what were up against and make scathing comments after every sentence and attack they speak. Simple enough.

Two - and let me warn that I can't quantify much this beyond my own personal experience - I would guess that there were fewer Repubs that tuned in to the Dem convention than there were Dems that tuned in to the Repub convention. Again, I base this on my own personal experience. I occasionally read Redstate and the National Review and others, looking for a clue as to why people think that way and to formulate counter arguments. And I find that so many of the right's positions and arguments tend towards the absolute, stemming largely from a religious mindset that predisposes them to acceptance. Why would they need to find another answer or prepare to argue? They have all the answers already, so why tune in to the Dems? They have the answers already. This is of course a generalization. After all, somebody over there on the right has the wherewithal to produce nuanced - if despicable - talking points.

I think that in general, more Dems are going to tune in to watch Repubs than the other way around. Liberals and independents are more accustomed to the taste of something other than their own Kool-Aid, more accustomed to thinking in the cracks.

We won't know which way wins for a couple of months...

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