Monday, March 03, 2008

Grab your Pepto, it's the TX, OH, RI, VT Primary!

It's been tough watching the negative rhetoric ratchet up in the Dem primary while McCain seemingly gets a free pass. It's also unfortunate that the Democratic party electorate seems to be just as much divided as the general electorate's Red-Blue divide.  I'd be less concerned if the debate was at all healthy (ahem, HRC blathering at length about a health-care plan that doesn't have a chance at passing doesn't count.)

With Obama showing surprising strength in Wisconsin, HRC had no choice to turn to what amounts to negative, vacuous character aspersions. That Obama had to respond in kind to defend himself is also unfortunate. One of the strongest things he had going for himself was his reticence to go negative. He's proved he can do it, but HRC has proved that using the politics of the lowest common denominator, she can stop the bleeding.

I should know better than to drool over every poll that comes out, but I've been unable to stop looking. (I even got emotionally involved in this near-banality, refreshing like a mad-man.  FYI - I voted no.) If the Dems are bitter and worn out, and the electorate is bitter and worn out, that doesn't bode well for the general election season. I hope they can regroup.

It's going to be interesting to see if either candidate can affect any meaningful movement in the pledged delegate count. If it's a wash, it's ostensibly a win for Obama. If HRC can narrow the gap at all, the spin is going to be... dizzying.

The way this primary has been shaping up, there's bound to be a surprise or two in store. Hopefully the shine hasn't plum warn off of m' boy Obama.

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