Thursday, March 20, 2008

How's the book going you ask? Well...

I'm sure that all 4 of you readers are dying to know how Departmental is going, so here we go...

I'm almost though the read-through/note-taking. After that I'm going just go ahead and finish the thing straight through to the end. There's more to go than I thought - my deadline of late June is looking tight. After that it's on to the rewrites.

It's an interesting experience going back to a book that's been dormant for a couple of years. I feel like I've returned - prodigally - to a garden I planted out on the back forty acres and then forgot about. Now confronted with a nasty tangle of weeds and flowers, onions and potatoes, I whip out my hoe. But then I realize that all the plants are trying to eat each other and me. Mass chaos.

I think it feels like this because I don't feel and think the same way that I did when I started this thing. Whatever it was going to be, it's now going to be something different. It's still going to be the same song, just a different arrangement.

This morning I found some chapters that I had discarded or replaced. I'm glad I did. There some space in the story for them after all.

All in all, it's going well. I have yet to write anything new, but I'm getting excited (and terrified) as I get closer to doing so.

[Tools of the trade - I use Scrivener as my WP and Curio for brainstorming.]

[Liveblogging: There is a very cute little girl in a stroller near me. She's really enjoying/wearing her Funyuns. And... there goes the bag. Now I'm wearing some Funyun, too. Weak.]

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