Tuesday, April 08, 2008

How not to get a Cadillac. (Dirty words ahoy!)

It's been awhile. There are lots of reasons and some of them are even good.

Book writing, book reading, video games, baseball season, the Lakers, Dancing with the Stars... I said some of them were good.

The big one that stemmed the blogging was easing up on the primary-watch. As there haven't really been any in a month, I've tried to stop watching the race go by in real time. I've been only partially successful. I still know exactly what's going on. I do think that we're nearing the end. The signs that HRC has more than peaked are appearing more frequently. Obama keeps closing the gap in PA, and is close in IN and way up in NC. 99% of all the superdelegate announcements go for Obama. Some want to support him so much that they break state party rules. Oh, yeah... there was that little speech on race that he gave too. Not bad (read: insanely historic).

Enough about that stuff. Yesterday, the Blue Line had a hiccup - what they like to call 'mechanical problems'. When I tried to go home for work I had to wait on the platform at 7th/Metro Station with 500 of my closest Blue Line buddies. After a 20 minute wait we got on. It was standing room only, so I was lucky enough to get the seat I wanted. There was no way I was going to be able to use my laptop though, so I read a book. A large black lady in a security guard outfit ended up standing over me with her jacket on one arm such that it was in my face. I moved it a little, and she apologized.

So we're finally moving and I'm reading and then we're out of the tunnel right by the Staples Center and the lady, like many people do when cell reception comes back, got out her phone and called someone. I was really into my book, so I was trying not to listen to her, but it got really difficult. I won't give you the blow-by-blow - here are the highlights.

She was talking to someone about her sister. I think. I believe the quote was (beg pardon for the coarse language): “She done fucked every motherfucker in the hood! Ain't fuckin' nobody on 104th street she ain't fucked!” Apparently her sister was charging for these... services because she managed to buy a Cadillac with her hard-won proceeds. I know they were hard-won because the woman also mentioned that her sister's “fuckin' pussy ain't worth no motherfucking $20.” I hope the Cadillac was used. Side note - I now realize that it's next to impossible to use 'fuck' as an adverb (she danced fuckily across the floor? - doesn't work) or the woman would have done so.

She finally got off that call and commented out loud to nobody in particular the train was “movin' kinda slow and I'm late for work.” Another guy told us that there had been an accident down in Long Beach. They went back and forth. She uttered not a single profanity. Not one. And as you can imagine, no one would have been surprised to hear them, since everyone on the car heard the earlier conversation. I thought, Now she's polite? Know your audience, I guess. Then she got back on her cell phone, and things returned to normal - almost fuckily so.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Mike and Addie - I finally thought to find your blog, and here you are! Very funny (/crazy) stuff...my own little bus line seems so tame in comparison! I think out of the posts I've skimmed over here, my favorite is one of the earlier ones about the train door opening on you, Mike...complete with visual aids. I can tell such heart went into the artistry.