Monday, February 11, 2008


If I weren't such a skeptic at heart, I'd say that Obama is now as unstoppable as Gen. William T. Sherman's march to primo beach-front property in Savannah, GA. But despite the rah-rah tone of this blog lately, I am a skeptic at heart; never more so than when my team is up 17 with a buck-thirty left to go in the fourth quarter. Next metaphor, please.

So he swept all the weekend contests by surprising margins. So he's getting his message across more and more effectively. So HRC's campaign seems to be going through some pain, both in money and leadership. So people are beginning to understand that Obama is not only style, but substance. So what? Napoleon's Achilles heel: Waterloo. Obama's might be working-class folks of Texas, Ohio and Pennsylvania. Might.

Tomorrow's contests in D. C., Virginia and Maryland all favor Obama. No one expects an upset by HRC here despite her heavy campaigning in Virginia. And judging by the comparative joy of their supporters and the Jackson-Jefferson event the other night, HRC is certainly in big trouble in the short-term. I guess the real question is whether or not she can regain any momentum before those big March contests.

Most of the punditocracy and the number crunchers think that HRC is going to have a hard time overcoming the BHO-mentum, but as they say: that's why they play the games. [What is with me and these crappy metaphors, BTW? It's like I've been taken over by a pre-adolescent Dennis Miller or something.]

I think that time heals all wounds so to speak, and time has been Obama's friend. The more time passes, the more people get to know him, the more they see him as a viable alternative to HRC, 'the name they know'. It helps that his policies are logical and well-founded and pragmatic. My generation, at least, finds pragmatism very appealing - especially in the face of political gridlock.

Let's bring on a few more crushing defeats, if we can though. That's what a juggernaut would do...

(PS - Yes, we can.)

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