Tuesday, February 19, 2008

That's about enough of that - part 2.

This is gotcha crap has got to stop. Michelle Obama should not have said that, but not because the statement itself is distasteful - I happen to agree with her; I know exactly what she means and how she feels. She shouldn't have said it because she should have known that Obama opponents would swoop in and turn it into flap. But let's identify this bogus rhetorical technique: it's the same when pro-war folks accuse anti-war folks of "not supporting the troops" when we say that we're against the war. It's the same damn argument and should be worth the same. It's nonsense.

I haven't been proud of our county since Bush 43 was elected. This administration's embrace of scientific ignorance, war-mongering, bungling of domestic disasters, beggaring the middle-class and squandering our place in the world by isolating us ideologically... what's to be proud of for a rational person?

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