Friday, February 22, 2008

That crazy Latin lady just came by: An experiment in live blogging.

[I decided to leave in the typos. More authentic that way.]

So there's this lady who like to speak in tongues on the Blue Line. In one respect, I can't say I blame her. If there's one place that folks can find religion, it's on the Blue Line. She's a Spanish speaker, but it's still easy to tell she's speaking in tongues. It's kind of crazy.

Everybody knows her and she just sat down next to an older black lady who's not taking any crap. She tells her to get lost.

The crazy lady calls her a criminal and is now calling the train operator. I just heard her speak english, but she's speaking in toongues at the driver!

It donesn't work. “Ma'am? You're talking crazy.” He doesn't say any more. Crazy LAdy is talking to herself now and going to the back of the train.

The black lady says she doesn't mind people praying, but that people shouldn't pray like that. Then she adds this gem: “If she wants to be blessed, I'll bless her.”

And... scene. Good times.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the world you live in out there. That's awesome. *snorts laughing*