Thursday, November 06, 2008

What will I do with my schadenfreude? [Updated]

My good friend Sassy Blonde has taken the high road on the schadenfreude we progressives likely feel as a result of the electoral landslide that Barack Obama pulled off on Tuesday. I get that, and I’ll get there. But do I still have leftover ill-will towards towards the government of the last eight years? Let me put it this way:

Did our government of the last eight years cede the moral high-ground on torture and any number of moral issues?

Did ‘compassionate conservatism’ fail?

Did the our president govern like a king imbued with divine right, stripping rights and invading privacy in a misguided and creepy attempt to ‘protect’ us?

Did they lie to us to get us to get us to buy into the longest, most disastrous war in America’s history?

Did the policies of de-regulation and rampant mergers and grotesque CEO salaries help the free market economy fail? (Have I mentioned yet on this blog that I’m being laid off my job as of the end of this month? I don’t think I have, but it’s true. Thanks (in part), Phil Graham!)

Is the bear that shits in the woods Catholic?

The answer to all of this is, of course, yes. And while my Buddha nature is chiding me for it, and I think that working together is better than not, I need a little more time to grind my progressive boot-heel into the neck of a bankrupt conservatism. Just a little.

Though, by this weekend I hope say goodbye to all that and to have schadenfreude only for LSU fans. Roll Tide!

[Update: Sassy has had enough!]

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